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Friday, 10 January 2014

But when I put the batteries in it by Elosola P5

Jennifer lived with her parents and her brother. She had a toy she played with so her brother asked, "please can I play with your toy? She said "yes". So Joe asked Jennifer, are there batteries in it? She said "yes" but the light and sound are not working. So she did not bother so Joe went to continue playing with the toy. Jennifer went to ask her mother, can you bring batteries for my toys? She put the batteries and it did not work but when I out the batteries in it and I pressed the button the toy started to work.


Mrs Bankole said...

The story was very good but instead
of out put but.

Promise said...

The story was very good but instead
of out put but.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your lovely story. Check the ending carefully as it changes from 'she' to 'I'.
Well done!
Mrs Rowland, Essex (Team 100wc)