Welcome to Bankys School blog

We hope you find our blog to be an interesting read. We keep learning to make it better & more enriching for you. Our pupils are being trained to make you enjoy your visits to our blog. See you again!

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Ejiro P6

A father was planning a dinner for his friends. He was planning it because he packed to a new house. His wife went to the market to buy things for the dinner. She bought things like pepper, tomatoes, rice, plantain, carrots, cabbages, chicken, fish, spaghetti, cucumber and so on. The husband sent invitation cards to his friends and their children. The children could not wait for the dinner. It was on the day of the dinner, many of his friends and their children came. I was among the invitees and as we were just sitting down for dinner when my best friend’s family came in. I was so happy that I thought they would not come.

Beauty the Beautiful Girl

Once upon a time there lived a girl named Beauty, she loves reading her books and playing educative games. She wrote Common Entrance Examinations. There were some bullies in her school who are trying to stop her from being the best in her school. They always try to draw her into play but she would not listen to them. One day, the gang decided to injure her. They said that they will use an iron stick to hit her, so they did so and she was injured and one day when she was just sitting for dinner with her parents, the father received a call and was smiling and happy and he told them that they called that Beauty passed her examinations and she was happy.

Monday, 24 September 2012


We are a part of Quad 91. This is made up of the following schools: Bankys Private School in Abuja, Nigeria. Mount Scopus Memorial College in Australia. Market Harborough CE Primary in U.K. and Rhyddings Business and Enterprise School also in U.K. It was fun as some of the 100wc authors commented on the blog on the spotlight last week. For this week of September 24th, Market Harborough CE Primary School is the Quad 91 member school on focus. Bankys Pupils look forward to meeting the pupils of the school. The other two member schools are expected to join as well. We are to visit their blog and comment, encourage, give suggestions and make friends with the pupils of the school on the spotlight. When it is the turn of our school to be on the spotlight, we shall expect the other three quad 91 member schools to do the same.

Friday, 21 September 2012


The pupils/students are settling in so well. Booster classes kicks off next Monday. The time is 2-3pm daily.

Awesome New Academic Year

Welcome to the 2012/2013 Academic session. We are confident of a most successful session ever. It can only get better! The Secondary School Students shall resume on Monday, 17th September.

Thursday, 20 September 2012